Objective: Encourage students to think critically about how a story is presented or told, especially the role of the storyteller or narrator.
Materials: The Princess Bride Poster (colour)
1. Display the movie poster. Ask students for observations—what assumptions can be made about the tone or plot of the story? How is Buttercup, played by Robin Wright Penn, depicted? Look for any connections or comparisons to other known stories or fairy tales.
2. Read aloud from the introduction to The Princess Bride (p 32– 36).
3. Start the discussion--“Does this narration change your view of the story? Why was it included?”
4. Have students revisit their writing task from yesterday. They should write underneath yesterday's work about how their impressions have changed (or not changed) upon hearing the author's introduction. These responses should be finished and handed in at the end of class. If time, ask some students to share their work.