Culminating Activity

What's Your Story? 

             During this unit, you will be focusing on the purpose and techniques of storytelling in various forms.
You will be responsible for using these techniques to tell a story that is of personal importance to you, using  digital animation, a podcast, a short video, or visual storyboard form. Your digital story will be presented in class at the end of the unit (Day 19 and 20). Along with your story, hand in a written reflection (one page) that explains why you chose your topic, how you decided to present it using your chosen method. You will also be connecting your work to a story from this unit, and the narrative techniques we have studied.  

The story proposal worksheet outlining your topic and an idea of how you want to present it are due on Day 10. Some possible topics for your story include:

- Your lucky break
- What makes you unique?
- Someone who inspires you
- Unintended learning experiences
- How you earned your family nickname
- Trying something new
- A turning point
- Questions you would ask a historical figure

These are meant as a starting point--please share a story that has personal meaning, and that you feel comfortable telling in class. You will be evaluated based on the process of creating your story (the proposal worksheet), the effectiveness of the finished product, and your written reflection.Your culminating activity will be graded out of 50 (10 for process, 25 for presentation and 15 for the written reflection). A checklist of expectations for your proposal and reflection are below. We will develop a rubric for your presentation as a class on Day 3.

Story Proposal
Written Reflection

SAMPLE Rubric for Presentation -- May use as a Guide for Developing Class Rubric