Objective: Examine students' perceptions and prior knowledge of fairy tale conventions and characters.
Materials: Smartboard (with internet access)
Descriptive words (10 +) in envelopes
1. Distribute envelopes with descriptive word cards to groups of four. Write the word “fairy tale” on the board, and ask students to cooperatively choose the best three descriptors from their word set. Encourage the use of dictionaries.
2. Have each group (or a representative) write their chosen terms on the Smartboard, and briefly explain the reasoning for their choice of to the class.
3. Enter all of the terms on the SmartBoard into a wordle generator. Ask students to make observations about which words appear the most frequently, least frequently, etc. Are there any unusual or contradictory terms?
4. Read aloud from Ch. 1 (p. 35 - 40 ) of The Princess Bride. Ask students to create a list of the ways that the story follows and does not follow their expectations for a fairy tale so far, making note of the date in the margin. Ask them to share their list with their desk-partner.
5. Assign books for students to take home.
Materials: Smartboard (with internet access)
Descriptive words (10 +) in envelopes
1. Distribute envelopes with descriptive word cards to groups of four. Write the word “fairy tale” on the board, and ask students to cooperatively choose the best three descriptors from their word set. Encourage the use of dictionaries.
2. Have each group (or a representative) write their chosen terms on the Smartboard, and briefly explain the reasoning for their choice of to the class.
3. Enter all of the terms on the SmartBoard into a wordle generator. Ask students to make observations about which words appear the most frequently, least frequently, etc. Are there any unusual or contradictory terms?
4. Read aloud from Ch. 1 (p. 35 - 40 ) of The Princess Bride. Ask students to create a list of the ways that the story follows and does not follow their expectations for a fairy tale so far, making note of the date in the margin. Ask them to share their list with their desk-partner.
5. Assign books for students to take home.