Day One

Objective:‭ ‬Examine students‭' ‬perceptions and prior knowledge of fairy tale conventions and characters.‭ 

Materials:‭ ‬Smartboard‭ (‬with internet access‭)
Descriptive words (10 +) in envelopes‭ 

1. Distribute envelopes with descriptive word cards to groups of four.‭ ‬Write the word‭ “‬fairy tale‭” ‬on the board,‭ ‬and ask students to cooperatively choose the best three descriptors from their word set.‭ ‬Encourage the use of dictionaries.
2. Have each group‭ (‬or a representative‭) ‬write their chosen terms on the Smartboard,‭ ‬and briefly explain the reasoning for their choice of to the class.
Enter all of the terms on the SmartBoard into a wordle generator.‭ ‬Ask students to make observations about which words appear the most frequently,‭ ‬least frequently, etc. Are there any unusual or contradictory terms‭?
4. Read aloud from Ch.‭ ‬1‭ (‬p.‭ ‬35‭ ‬-‭ ‬40‭ ) ‬of The Princess Bride.‭ ‬Ask students to create a list of the ways that‭ the story ‬follows and does not follow their expectations for a fairy tale so far,‭ ‬making note of the date in the margin.‭ ‬Ask them to share their list with their desk-partner.
5.‭ ‬Assign books for students to take home.