Day Ten

Objective: Demonstrate understanding of the story and characters in The Princess Bride using quotations from the text.
Materials: Large chart paper
                Video Clip The Princess Bride 

1. Hand in rough proposal for culminating activity.
2. Watch video clip, comparing the actors chosen to portray the three kidnappers to their descriptions in the text. What differences are there in appearance or manner from word to film, and why?
3. Divide the class into six groups, two for each kidnapper. Each group should
list the positive qualities of their character with examples from the text. Ensure every student has their own notes. Circulate to check completion.
4. Number off students to form new groups , so two students will be representing
their character in the new group. Each student should share their information with their group members.
5. With this information, ask groups to evaluate which kidnapper they would hire as a personal bodyguard. Which qualities are most important? Why is their choice the best choice? Write the answer on chart paper, with references to the text. Share in class.