Day Sixteen

Objective: Demonstrate understanding of topics in storytelling, tie together  ideas discussed in this unit.

Materials: Matching cards-- 10 words, 10 definitions to each set
                Recipe cards (Sample on Smartboard or overhead)

1. Hand in Response Journals
2. Independent Reading
3. Review terms and topics discussed in this unit with a matching game played in groups. Each student in the group of four will pick up five cards and read them out. One of the students in the group will put down the matching definition (similar to Go Fish). Take up the answers together when finished.
4. Using the text, list the ingredients of the Miracle Max potion in recipe format. Ask for other examples of medicine/magic from other works. Does Max fit into the archetype for the "fairy godmother" like in Cinderella or "witch" like in Sleeping Beauty? Students should identify character traits of both types, and argue where Max fits in using evidence from the text.
4. Miracle Max Recipes - Students will create a magic potion for one of the characters in The Princess Bride. The recipe should demonstrate familiarity with the symbols of fairy tales (e.g. one golden egg, hair plucked from a giant, the first rose of summer) as well as the format of a recipe (ingredients, instructions, dosage/servings, and any side effects!)  Students should identify which character the recipe is designed for, and how it could help them (i.e. a strength potion for Vizzini, so he wouldn't need henchmen to carry out his plans).